Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello World!

Hello World!

The first sample program one will get to learn on any book or online resource is the Hello World program. Being a techie all through out my life (till date I should add) let me begin my first post with those 2 lovely words. :P

Okay, this blog is gonna host loads of techie news, codes, reviews, views and some other junk that one wouldn't bother to read. But then I am just creating this to digitize the stuff that I get to know.

As I type this post
at 2:40 AM, I see lightning and hear thunders. Before I could realize the current went off. Some would call it "A dark beginning". Being an optimist I am gonna say, someone turned off the lights to turn the spot lights on.

Oops! The wifi thingi doesn't work as well. Grrr. Alright I'll wait till morning.

9 AM,

Lights, Action, Camera...... here we go!

Agnel codes....


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